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Irresistible heavenly massage, devoid of any sexual activities, offered by a Kiwi-Asian woman in her forties with a toned swimmer's physique, is now available.


Auckland | Waitakere

Published on 29 Dec 2023

Name Jen⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Gender Female
Age 42y
Nationality 🇳🇿 New Zealand

There is a special spot in paradise for individuals who, as a profession, alleviate tension, stress, and anxiety through the art of massage... The majority of clients express, "What an incredible experience! You handle everything with such professionalism and thoroughness. That was the best massage I have ever received. I will definitely be seeing you again..." These words speak volumes... I perform massages on a table. Due to Covid, I always wear a mask to ensure proper breathing during sessions. Location: Luxurious Docks apartment in central Auckland, across from Countdown. The apartment is adorned with new carpet, a heat pump, and a clean, beautifully scented atmosphere. The nature-themed secret garden room exudes beauty and serenity. It is a place where trust, hygiene, and privacy are never an issue. Exploring your sexuality in a healthy manner is natural and normal. Life is short, and during times of uncertainty, it is important to not forget about "me time." Enjoying the things you love in life when you can is truly living life to the fullest... Authentic pictures and verification available. Clients have said: * I had high expectations, but I didn't anticipate it being this amazing. You are truly one of the few genuine ladies who match their pictures and fit the profile perfectly. Your physique is that of a great swimmer, with beautiful breasts and prominent nipples. Your hands possess a magical softness and strength, and your positive energy, wisdom, and humor make it without a doubt the best massage I have ever experienced. It was absolutely mind-blowing..." * "Your attitude and presence are absolutely amazing. You are professional and incredibly skilled. You made me feel completely at ease and comfortable, which led to an extraordinary experience..." * "My wife and I have always enjoyed massage therapy, and over the years, we have had a few really good ones. However, this is by far the best. There was an incredible exchange of energy, and I feel absolutely incredible..." * "Without a doubt, it was the best massage I have ever had, surpassing even those from other professional masseurs both here and abroad. The sensation of your beautiful hands and arms performing lomilomi on my body is simply amazing, sensual, and spiritual. Even your voice is incredibly soothing. I will definitely be returning." * "I am absolutely stunned by your PDN treatment. Reaching orgasm through prostate massage is an awesome experience I have never felt before. Your hands are truly

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